Volunteering for Peace:
Interstate Peacebuilding through International Volunteering
Joshua Michael Campbell
International Christian University
Keywords: International Volunteering, Intergroup Contact Theory, Interstate Peacebuilding, Peace Corps, Perceptions
I. Introduction ・ はじめに
International Volunteering Cooperation Organizations (IVCOs), such as the Peace Corps and the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, have been promoted and praised as alternatives to military intervention and traditional for promoting peace between nations (Kennedy, 1964; Rieffel & Zalud, 2006). These organizations also emphasize their role as interstate peacebuilders by incorporating into their missions the goal of fostering peace through the promotion of international understanding (Peace Corps, 2014; Government of Japan Public Relations Office, 2015). That said, to date, there have been few (Nisley, 2013), if any, studies establishing the efficacy or exploring the process of promoting peace through international volunteering. In order to address this need, the following study will examine how peace can be promoted through a transformation in relations between nations enabled by the intergroup contact that occurs between international volunteers and host-country counterparts.
平和部隊や日本青年海外協力隊のような国際ボランティア協力機構は軍隊と伝統的な外交に変わり、平和構築のための支援を行ってきた [Kennedy, 1964; Rieffel Zalud, 2006]。これらの機構も国際理解のための平和構築をその目的のひとつとしている [Peace Corps, 2014] [Government of Japan Public Relations Office, 2015]。しかし、これまで、国際ボランティア活動における平和構築の効果性や方法を調べる調査はまだあまりない [Nisley, 2013]。そのため、この調査は国際ボランティア活動における国際ボランティアとホスト国の相手との集団間接触で国際関係の変換の平和構築方法を調べる。
II. The Study・調査
This paper will report the findings of an ethnographic field study of the intergroup contact experiences of American Peace Corps Volunteers, Japanese JICA Volunteers, and Moroccan Counterparts in the context of community development projects conducted in Morocco during the fall of 2016. The premise upon which the peacebuilding potential of IVCOs is predicated is the “Contact Hypothesis”: contact between members of two different groups can reduce tension and prejudice between them, while fostering favorable relations (Hewstone & Brown, 1986; Hogg, 2003). Using the more robust incarnation of this hypothesis, Intergroup Contact Theory, as a framework, data collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation was analyzed to determine how intergroup contact in the context of international volunteering operates and influences intergroup relations.
この論文では2016年の秋にモロッコにおけるアメリカ人の平和部隊ボランティアと日本人のJICAボランティアとモロッコ人の相手との集団間接触の民族誌的な現地調査の結果を発表する。この論文は、「接触仮説」を用いて国際ボランティア協力機構の平和構築の可能性を検証する。接触仮説は異なるグループの個人が接触したら、集団間の差別とテンションを減らして、仲がいい関係を支援するという考えである[Hewstone Brown, 1986]。仮説から作った集団間接触理論を使い、国際ボランティア活動における集団間接触を理解するために、面接等で集めたデータを分析した。
III. Transforming Perceptions・認知の変換
Intergroup contact between international volunteers and host-country counterparts was found to result in a transformation of perceptions for both parties along several dimensions. Foremost among these was a shift from low-information, impoverished images of the out-group nation to high-information, enriched images of the out-group. This begins before contact through a movement from passive-received images of the out-group determined by environmental influences to active-priming images that are developed through independent research, education, and training that frames the intergroup encounter. Following contact, these images become enriched with information from personal encounters and immersive experiences. These largely result in an increase of favorable images, recognition of diversity within the out-group, and improved intergroup perceptions. Importantly, through interpersonal communications and digital media, these transformed perceptions are communicated to the wider in-group, facilitating a potential shift in overall intergroup relations.
IV. Bibliography
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